About Us
John 15:7 says, "If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done."
As a team of young black entrepreneurs our visions of prosperity and success are at the top of the vision board. Success is not all about us but it consists of providing products that take care of our customers to the full extent of the word satisfaction. Our natural products are handcrafted with not only accuracy but with love which ensures that each product is held up to the highest of standards. We haven't limited ourselves to only providing handmade products but also provide other top of the line products and accessories that we feel will make an impact within our community. The initial idea of these products came to us for multiple reasons, the first and main reason is that we both saw the flaws in all of the alcohol based skin products on the market and with us having sensitive skin we needed something more natural and sensitive to the skin but also durable enough for all types. We also saw a lack in the quantity of other products overall being offered and saw an opportunity to introduce these good in a wide variety. We are currently in an era of emerging black leaders and businesses and as our friendship has become more of a brotherhood, we as a team have the confidence that we can contribute our products to the market in the most beneficial way for our community. We have taken on the responsibility of providing these products for years to come with growth and prosperity in mind.
Gandhi said,“Be the change you want to see in the world.”
And we believe our products will have that impact.
-Charles K. & Ray E.-